NY Portuguese Short Film Festival
This third edition will take place on May 31 and June 1, 2013 in New York and Lisbon, screening thirteen short movies, which were distinguished by a judging panel composed of film experts from the US, Brazil and Portugal. The winner of NY Portuguese Short Film Festival – III Edition, will be awarded an acquisition prize by Portuguese Television’s Onda Curta – RTP2. NY Portuguese Short Film Festival was organized for the first time in June 2011, and is the first Portuguese short film festival in the US.
The festival showcases the best work of a new generation of Portuguese filmmakers. Its second edition took place in New York, Lisbon, Porto, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). By organizing it in three countries every year, Arte Institute broadens at broadening Portuguese cinema’s audiences, worldwide. NY Portuguese Short Film Festival – III Edition is made possible in part with public funds from the Fund for Creative Communities, supported by New York State Council on the Arts and administered by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council.
Founded on April 2011, Arte Institute is an independent non-for profit organization, based in New York. It dynamizes the production and showcasing of international contemporary artists and art projects, with a focus on Portuguese contemporary art, through the organization of events in Europe, North and South America, in a dynamic Atlantic triangle.
Official Selection 2013
“M” by Joana Bartolomeu
“The Buffalo Kid” by Pedro Marnoto Pereira
“VIL” by António Pinhão Botelho
“System Failure” (Falha do Sistema) by José Miguel Moreira
“Forever” (Para Sempre) by Pedro Resende
“The Sun Always Rises on the Same Side” (O Sol Nasce Sempre do Mesmo Lado) by Nuno Matos
“Rhoma Acans – Gypsy Eyes” by Leonor Teles
“Entropy” (Entropia) by Renata Ramos
“Playday” (Dia de Jogo) by Victor Santos
“Here Rests My Home“ (Aqui Jaz A Minha Casa) by Rui Pilão
“The Lamp and the Fan” (O Candeeiro e a Ventoinha) by Filipe Fonseca
“Under” (Sob) by Nuno Prudêncio
Guest Short Film : “The World Falls Apart (And Still People Fall in Love)” (O Mundo Cai aos Bocados (e ainda assim as pessoas apaixonam-se)) by Henrique Pina and Francisco Baptista.
Check the trailers.
21st June at Dalston Roof Park
Opening Doors: 6.00 pm
Evening with The Portuguese Conspiracy savoury snacks Screening: 9.00 pm