Cork and Ceramic Mixing Bowl
Check-In-Out Collection
Designer: Francisco Vieira Martins
Preparing a meal means taking food from one container to another. An ingredient travels from the kitchen jar to the mixing bowl or to the pot… This line tries to correspond to that sense of “Travel”. Various containers without a restricted function allow the change of multiple ingredients.
About “Alma Gémea” (Soul Mate)
“Alma Gémea” could have been a love story between two different people, who despite theirs differences find both common and complementary characteristics, which build a stronger “one”.
Alma Gémea (Soul Mate) is the result of a continuous joint venture between Amorim Cork Composites and Matceramica. The main goal in developing this product collection was to join Matceramicas’ ceramics and Amorim Cork Composites’ cork exploring the potential of the Portuguese deep tradition on these materials within the universe of contemporary domestic needs. Above all, this project was intended as an engine for sharing and promoting product differentiation.